Nila Capital Partners 
The Philippines' First and Only Student Venture Fund
Nila Capital Partners is at the forefront of empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs in the Philippines. Our mission is to bridge the funding gap and provide young founders with the necessary resources to turn their groundbreaking ideas into reality.
We believe that brilliance knows no boundaries and that with the right support and mentorship, aspiring innovators from all backgrounds can achieve remarkable success. We are driven by the belief that nurturing exceptional talents and groundbreaking ideas is a collective effort — a journey of growth, transformation, and mutual success. As our founders' success stories unfold, we measure our achievements not just in financial returns but also in the positive impact they make on industries, communities, and society as a whole.
Join us on this inspiring journey as we unlock potential, transform dreams into reality, and shape the future of entrepreneurship in the Philippines. Welcome to Nila Capital Partners — where dreams take flight, and extraordinary visions become a powerful force of change. Join us on this exhilarating journey as we shape the future together.
Fueling Growth
Up to $25k in Funding
Network and Mentorship
Community of Founders
The Essence of our Philosophy
It Takes a Village to Raise a Child
The collective strength of our village propels the next generation of innovative leaders towards unparalleled success.
Funding for the
At Nila Capital Partners, we believe in the power of community-driven growth. Our commitment to funding for the community goes beyond financial investment. We aim to foster a strong and interconnected ecosystem that empowers young founders from diverse backgrounds. By providing capital at the earliest stages, we enable them to cover essential expenses and work full-time on their ideas, unburdened by financial constraints. We are dedicated to supporting startups with high potential to become future unicorns, thus driving economic growth and creating opportunities that benefit the entire community. Our ultimate goal is to increase the number of successful founders, thereby catalyzing a wave of innovation and prosperity in the Philippine startup ecosystem.
Grounded on
At the heart of Nila Capital Partners lies our unwavering commitment to empathy. We recognize the challenges and uncertainties that entrepreneurs face on their startup journeys. Grounded on empathy, we listen to their aspirations, understand their needs, and provide personalized support to help them flourish. Our team genuinely cares about the success and well-being of the founders we invest in. We believe in fostering a safe and inclusive environment, where founders can openly share their visions and challenges, knowing they have a supportive ally in Nila Capital Partners. Empathy forms the cornerstone of our approach, creating a lasting bond with the startups we invest in, and empowering them to achieve extraordinary success.
A Commitment to
Nila Capital Partners is driven by a resolute commitment to potential. We believe that brilliance knows no boundaries, and great ideas can emerge from anyone, regardless of their background or experience. Our founding team brings together expertise from early-stage startups, venture-backed ventures, investment banking, and venture capital, precisely to identify and nurture untapped potential. Our investment decisions are guided not only by current metrics but also by a keen eye for future growth prospects. We strive to invest in founders with innovative ideas and transformative visions, guiding them through strategic mentorship and providing the necessary resources to unlock their full potential. At Nila Capital Partners, we see the potential in every visionary founder and are determined to help them succeed in their quest to become the next generation of trailblazing leaders.
Innovators at Heart, Driven by Experience
Our Founding Team
A diverse wealth of experience in product and software engineering across early-stage and venture-backed startups, complemented by a strong background in venture capital and investment banking.
Jason Ho
Managing Partner
Jason Ho is the Managing Partner at Nila Capital Partners. He started his career across business roles in early-stage startups like, a YC healthtech startup, and Kinobi, an edtech startup based in Singapore. Subsequently, he transitioned to engineering roles, being one of the first engineers at Swarm and the first engineer at Kaya Founders, a venture capital firm that invests across Southeast Asia. Jason is also an entrepreneur who has started multiple startups, and was the CEO and Co-Founder of Sansan Tech, a B2B social commerce platform for construction materials. At Nila Capital Partners, Jason's passion for nurturing innovation and bridging the funding gap fuels his commitment to shaping the future of entrepreneurship in the Philippines.
Ryan Chua
General Partner
Ryan Chua is the General Partner at Nila Capital Partners. He is also an investment banker at Bayfront Capital Advisors, a boutique investment bank headquartered in Singapore. He has played product and operator roles in regional startups like Kumu, 1Export, and Kinobi, and was also the COO and Co-Founder of Sansan Tech. Drawing upon his profound knowledge of diverse industries and innovative business approaches to identify and nurture promising startups and entrepreneurs, Ryan's passion for fostering growth and keen ability to recognize untapped potential adds a distinctive and invaluable dimension to the firm.
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